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Marigol Era

Let me tell you the story of my path from an angry, insubordinate person to a loving mother.


At a very young age, I felt very dissatisfied with life in general. I was resentful and irritable because I was so unhappy. I drove my parents crazy because my main mode of action was CRISIS.

The feeling of belonging was only an absurd theory in my mind. Maybe it's because, my family members called me a "boss of the dweebs," selfish, bossy, egotistical, and hard-headed instead of trying to get to know me. As far as I can remember, I felt misunderstood, like I was from another planet.


But still, I was always trying really hard to fit in with them. Since everything about me seemed to be wrong, I was trying not to make any waves by repressing who I truly am. The thing is: I was very bad at having my act together when I was acting like someone else than myself. 


I started to identify as a lone wolf, so I learn how to depend on myself. I started babysitting at the age of 12 so that I could pay for the things that made sense to me. I was doing my own laundry and cooking for myself pretty early on. I couldn't wait to get out of that house in which I perceived myself as a prisoner and that's what I did the first chance I got.


However, I have to say that leaving my family's house didn't fix the way I felt inside. I had lost touch with my true self since the beginning of my life which made it seemed like I was broken to my core, completely out of balance which led to a lot of anger issues.

I spent most of my twenties trying to escape myself with drugs, alcohol and sex.


When I realized how destructive and not helping those behaviours were I tried to rebuild myself, to understand the whys and the hows I felt so messed up. Why couldn't I be like everyone else? What could I do to be accepted by my family? But I was stuck the victim consciousness. 

I went to therapy so many times, I almost had a membership. I worked with psychologists, social workers, and psychiatrists, and received many mental health diagnoses. 

Somehow, nothing seemed to succeed in getting me back on track. It felt like I was stuck in a never-ending cycle of misery to the point where I considered suicide. But suicide wasn't going to cut it for me, it didn't sound like the right thing to do to end all my emotional wounds. 


So because the mainstream style of fixing the mind failed me, I started turning to alternative therapies. That's when I started yoga, changed my diet, did fasciatherapy, naturotherapy, osteotherapy, massage therapy, meditation, art therapy, Shadow Work and lots of journaling. And all those new ways felt aligned in comparison.


These new methods widened the gap between me and my family. I spent some time mourning a lot of relationships because from that point on, finding myself was more important than pleasing them. I was done trying to fit in so I could be in a tribe that didn't even recognize me. It's like Jiddu Krishnamurti said: "It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society.", in my case, in my family.


So when I decided to leave everything behind in a 700$ Mazda 323, of course, everyone in my birth tribe thought I was crazy! I was 27, and I felt like parts of me needed to die! No better way to do so than with a long road trip! So I left. I crossed Canada from east to west, ended up in a small community in British Colombia, stayed there for a while, and when winter was beginning to make an appearance, I got back in my car and headed south. 

I ended up in Southern California where I met this man, tall, wild, and way older than me. An instant connection happened and he became very important in the story of my life. We lived together for six months in the heat of the desert. 

At one point, I got pregnant. That's when I sat with myself, thinking about what to do. My intuition was strongly saying that I had to keep that baby, even though I had no money, no home, no job and I was not even in my country. Crazy thing: I decided to trust my gut! 

Of course, my family members advised me to get an abortion, thinking I wasn't fit to raise a kid since I was too unstable to fulfill motherhood. But my gut feeling was so strong that these words didn't affect my decision one bit. I knew what I had to do, no matter what they would think or say about me! 



We're 11 years down the road, and I have no regrets! 

I am now one of the leaders of a wonderful little tribe. Our blended family is composed of my 11-year-old daughter Luyana, my husband, Sam, and her 10-year-old daughter, Abygaëlle. And almost six years ago, my husband and I had a cute little girl, Azalée. 

We live an Unschooling lifestyle in which cooperation is a key to harmony. I coach parents who are trying out this way of life and experiencing challenges. I help them spot their shadows and transform them so they can be the best parent they can be for their kids. 


I am also an Ayurvedic Wellness Coach. I help women fall in love with their cycles through Ayurvedic methods. What I love most about this traditional system of medicine that originated in India over 5,000 years ago is that it takes everything into consideration. It's a very systemic way of seeing health.



In a nutshell, who have I become... 
I am an eternal learner. 
I value Freedom. 
I'm a little bit anarchic around the edges.
I'm a creative force. 
I'm a Nature Lover. 
I'm in constant Evolution.


I'm here to help you become an awesome member of your community because I strongly believe that truly knowing yourself, and acting from authenticity will lead you to greater self-awareness, improve your relationships, and increase your sentiments of empathy and compassion. If everyone would do some personal growth and development, it would even lead to collective healing and transformation. I think this is the key to a greater society. 



Let's create the revolution together!

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